4 Items
A cinchona forest in Latin America, 1880A cinchona forest in Latin America, from Illustrated Travels: A Record of Discovery, Geography, and Adventure, edited by H.W. Bates, 1880
Cinchona anglica, 1869Cinchona anglica, a hybrid form that evolved in the Indian plantations. From The Quinology of the East Plantations by John Eliot Howard, illustrated by William Fitch, 1869
Microscopical observations of cinchona bark and seedlings, 1862Microscopical observations of cinchona bark and seedlings by Walter Hood Fitch, from J. E. Howard, Illustrations of the Nueva Quinologia of Pavon, 1862
Cinchona calisaya, 1862Cinchona calisaya (formerly C. peruviana), from Illustrations of the Nueva Quinologia of Pavon by John Eliot Howard, illustrated by William Fitch, 1862
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