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Desert plants Collection

61 Items

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Seeds of Tripteris microcarpa

Seeds of Tripteris microcarpa
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Astrophylum ornata

Astrophylum ornata
Monks Hood or star cactus

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Mammillaria laui subs dasyacantha

Mammillaria laui subs dasyacantha
Mammillaria laui. Family: Cactaceae

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Welwitschia mirabilis, Western Kalahari Desert

Welwitschia mirabilis, Western Kalahari Desert
Welwitschia Plain, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Flowers of Tapinanthes oleiifolius, LORANTHACEAE

Flowers of Tapinanthes oleiifolius, LORANTHACEAE
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Flowers and seeds of Gomphocarpus filiformis

Flowers and seeds of Gomphocarpus filiformis
Guanikontes to Welwitschia Plain, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Seeds of Tripteris microcarpa

Seeds of Tripteris microcarpa
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Seeds of Tripteris microcarpa

Seeds of Tripteris microcarpa
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Seeds of Tripteris microcarpa

Seeds of Tripteris microcarpa
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Fruit of Tapinanthes oleiifolius, LORANTHACEAE

Fruit of Tapinanthes oleiifolius, LORANTHACEAE
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Astrophylum ornata

Astrophylum ornata
Monks Hood or star cactus

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Astrophylum ornata

Astrophylum ornata
Monks Hood or star cactus

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Pachypodium lamerei

Pachypodium lamerei
Madagascar palm

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Pachypodium lamerei

Pachypodium lamerei
Madagascar palm

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Welwitschia mirabilis

Welwitschia mirabilis
Welwitschia Plain, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Welwitschia mirabilis

Welwitschia mirabilis
Welwitschia Plain, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Welwitschia mirabilis

Welwitschia mirabilis
Welwitschia Plain, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Welwitschia mirabilis

Welwitschia mirabilis
Welwitschia Plain, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Welwitschia mirabilis

Welwitschia mirabilis
Welwitschia Plain, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Welwitschia mirabilis

Welwitschia mirabilis
Welwitschia Plain, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Acacia erioloba

Acacia erioloba
Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Acacia erioloba

Acacia erioloba
Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Tripteris microcarpa

Tripteris microcarpa
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Hermbstaedtia spathulifolia

Hermbstaedtia spathulifolia
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Hermbstaedtia spathulifolia

Hermbstaedtia spathulifolia
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Jamesbrittenia mexii

Jamesbrittenia mexii
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Jamesbrittenia mexii

Jamesbrittenia mexii
Guanikontes in the Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Mesembryanthemum sp

Mesembryanthemum sp
Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Mesembryanthemum sp

Mesembryanthemum sp
Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Acanthocicyos horridus

Acanthocicyos horridus
Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Acanthocicyos horridus

Acanthocicyos horridus
Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Acanthocicyos horridus

Acanthocicyos horridus
Swakopmund river valley, Namibia Seed Collecting Expedition 2007

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: CACTACEAE, Echinopsis

CACTACEAE, Echinopsis, huascha, 1985579HNTD

Background imageDesert plants Collection: CACTACEAE, Echinocereus

CACTACEAE, Echinocereus, vierecki, 19961338KIST

Background imageDesert plants Collection: CACTACEAE, Echinocereus

CACTACEAE, Echinocereus, vierecki, 19961338KIST

Background imageDesert plants Collection: CACTACEAE, Astrophytum

CACTACEAE, Astrophytum, ornatum, 194312224FARS

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

Background imageDesert plants Collection: Desert plants

Desert plants
Kew B2B Plants and Fungi: Desert plants

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