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FungiKew B2B Plants and Fungi: Fungi
Amanita muscaria, c. 1915-45Illustration of Amanita muscaria, commonly known as fly agaric by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Cortinarius violaceus, 1847-1855Illustration of Cortinarius violaceus, a basidiomycete, also known as violet webcap, from Anna Maria Hussey, Illustrations of British Mycology, 1847-1855
Morchella esculenta, 1847-1855Illustration of Morchella esculenta, also known as common morel, from Illustrations of British Mycology by Anna Maria Hussy, 1847-1855
Tuber melanosporum, 1847-1855Illustration of Tuber melanosporum, also known as truffle, from Illustrations of British Mycology by Anna Maria Hussey, 1847-1855
Lycoperdon excipuliforme, 1847-1855Illustration of Lycoperdon excipuliforme, also known as pestle puffball, from Illustrations of British Mycology by Anna Maria Hussey, 1847-1855
Mitrula paludosa, 1847-1855Illustration of Mitrula paludosa, an ascomycete, also known as bog beacon, from Anna Maria Hussey, Illustrations of British Mycology, 1847-1855
Pholiota squarrosa, 1847-1855Illustration of Pholiota squarrosa, also known as shaggy scalycap, from Illustratons of British Mycology by Anna Maria Hussey, 1847-1855
Grifolia frondosa, 1847-1855Illustration of Grifolia frondosa, commonly known as hen-of-the-woods by Anna Maria Hussey from Illustrations of British Mycology, 1847-1855
Cantharellus cibarius, 1847-1855Illustration of Cantharellus cibarius, also known as chantarelle, from Illustrations of British Mycology by Anna Maria Hussey, 1847-1855
Geastrum limbatum, 1847-55Illustration of Geastrum limbatum, commonly known as fringed earthstar, by Anna Maria Hussey from Illustrations of British Mycology, 1847-55
Hypholoma acutum, 1803Illustration of Hypholoma acutum from Coloured Figures or English Fungi or Mushroom by James Sowerby, 1797 - 1815
Usnea austroafricana, Ricasolia virens, beard lichen, lichenIllustration by Johann Stephan Capieux, 1789, from Descriptio et adumbratio plantarum e classe cryptogamica Linnaei quae lichenes dicuntur by G. F. Hoffmann, 1790-1801
Ramalina sp. 1789Illustration possibly of Ramalina species commonly known as strap or cartilage lichen by Johann Stephan Capieux, 1789. Artwork from Descriptio et Adumbratio Plantarum e Classe Cryptogamica Linnaei
Lactarius deliciosus, Tafein 6, 1831-1846Illustration of Lactarius deliciosus, commonly known as saffron milk cap or red pine mushroom from Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Essbaren
Tafeln 4, 1831-1846Illustration of fungi, Tafeln 4 from Naturgetreue abbildungen und beschreibungen der essbaren, schadlichen und verdachtigen schwamme by J. V. Krombholz, 1831-1846
Stropharia aeruginosa, 1795-1815Illustration of Stropharia aeruginosa, commonly known as verdigris roundhead mushroom from from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Tafein 6, 1831-1846Illustration of fungi, Tafein 6 from Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Essbaren, Schadlichen und Verdachtigen Schwamme, by J. V. Krombholz, 1831-1846
Pholiota squarrosa, 1795-1815Illustration of Pholiota squarrosa, commonly known as shaggy scalycap from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Myriostoma coliforme, 1795-1815Illustration of Myriostoma coliforme, commonly known as salt-shaker earthstar or pepperpot from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Peziza vesiculosa, 1795-1815Illustration of Peziza vesiculosa, commonly known as blistered cup from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Hydnoporia tabacina, 1795-1815Illustration of Hydnoporia tabacina, commonly known as reddish-brown crust from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Crucibulum laeve, 1795-1815Illustration of Crucibulum laeve, commonly known as white-egg birds nest from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Laccaria amethystina, 1795-1815Illustration of Laccaria amethystina, commonly known as amethyst deceiver from Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms by James Sowerby, 1795-1815
Calvatia gigantea, c. 1915-45Illustration of Calvatia gigantea, commonly known as giant puffball by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Boletus edulis, c. 1915-45Illustration of Boletus edulis, commonly known as cep, penny bun or porcino by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Coprinopsis atramentaria, c. 1915-45Illustration of Coprinopsis atramentaria, known as common ink cap by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Lactarius deliciosus, c. 1915-45Illustration of Lactarius deliciosus, commonly known as saffron milk cap or red pine mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Clitocybe nebularis, c. 1915-45Illustration of Clitocybe nebularis, commonly known as clouded grey agaric, agaric or cloud funnel by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Chlorophyllum rhacodes, c. 1915-45Illustration of Chlorophyllum rhacodes, commonly known as shaggy parasol by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Calocybe gambosa, c. 1915-45Illustration of Calocybe gambosa, commonly known as St Georges mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Amanita rubescens, c. 1915-45Illustration of Amanita rubescens, commonly known as the blusher by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Inosperma erubescens, c. 1915-45Illustration of Inosperma erubescens, commonly known as red-staining inocybe by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Amanita phalloides, c. 1915-45Illustration of Amanita phalloides, commonly known as death cap by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Amanita phalloides, 1944Illustration of of Amanita phalloides, commonly known as death cap by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, 1944
Amanita pantherina, c. 1915-45Illustration of Amanita pantherina, commonly known as panther cap, false blusher or panther amanita by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Fistulina hepatica, c. 1915-45Illustration of Fistulina hepatica, commonly known as beef-steak fungus or tongue mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Coprinus comatus, c. 1915-45Illustration of Coprinus comatus commonly known as shaggy ink cap, lawyers wig or shaggy mane by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Illustration of Cantharellus cibarius, c. 1915-45Illustration of Cantharellus cibarius, commonly known as golden chanterelle or girolle by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Lepista personata, c. 1915-45Illustration of Lepista personata, commonly known as field blewit or blue-leg by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Agaricus campestris, c. 1915-45Illustration of Agaricus campestris known as common field or meadow mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Pleurotus ostreatus, c. 1915-45Illustration of Pleurotus ostreatus, commonly known as oyster mushroom or hiratake by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Leccinum scabrum, c. 1915-45Illustration of Leccinum scabrum, commonly known as brown rough-stalked bolete or brown birch bolete by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Agaricus arvensis, c. 1915-45Illustration of Agaricus arvensis, commonly known as horse mushroom, by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Marasmius oreades, c. 1915ÔÇô45Illustration of Marasmius oreades of commonly known as fairy ring mushroom or champignon by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Lepista nuda, c. 1915-1945Illustration of Lepista nuda, commonly known as wood blewit by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Leccinum versipelle, 1915-45Illustration of Leccinum versipelle, commonly known as orange birch bolete or rough bolete by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Macrolepiota procera, c. 1915-45Illustration of Macrolepiota procera, commonly known as parasol mushroom by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection c.1915-45
Pleurotus ostreatus, 1775-1798Illustration of Pleurotus ostreatus, commonly known as oyster mushroom or hiratake from Flora Londinensis by William Curtis, 1775-1798
Coprinopsis atramentaria, 1775-1798Illustration of Coprinopsis atramentaria, commonly known as common ink cap from Flora Londinensis by William Curtis, 1775-1798
Leccinum scabrum, c. 1915-45Illustration of Leccinum scabrum, commonly known as brown rough-stalked bolete, or brown birch bolete by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-45
Morchella esculenta, c. 1915-45Illustration of Morchella esculenta, known as common or true morel, yellow morel or sponge morel by Elsie M. Wakefield from the Kew Collection, c.1915-1945
Cyttaria darwinii or Darwin fungusDarwins fungus at Kew. Original material of C. darwinii collected by Charles Darwin in Tierra del Fuego during his voyage on HMS Beagle in 1832
tawny funnel capKew B2B Plants and Fungi: Fungi
Armillaria mellea, honey fungusPhoto of Armillaria meallia, honey fungus
Aleuria aurantia, orange peel fungusPhoto of Aleuria aurantia, orange peel fungus
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