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Marianne North Collection (#6)

Victorian paintings

876 Items

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 716. Illawarra, New South Wales

716. Illawarra, New South Wales
Paper-bark Tree.(Melaleuca Leucadendron, Linn.), and other species of the same genus; and a pink-tipped spray of Callistermon salignus, DC. Compare the latter with the gorgeous C. speciosus, 776

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 715. View in the Forest on Mount Wellington, Tasmania

715. View in the Forest on Mount Wellington, Tasmania
The large tree with dark foliage in the centre is a species of Beech-birch of the colonists (Nothofagus Cunninghamii); and the & light-green trees, one on each side

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 714. View of the Otira Gorge, New Zealand

714. View of the Otira Gorge, New Zealand
Conspicuous in the vegetation of the foreground are the white plumes of the Toe Toe Reed (Arundo conspicua, Forst.), and on the rocks, trees of Dracophyllum Traversii, Hook. f

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 712. A New Zealand Dracophyllum

712. A New Zealand Dracophyllum
This remarkable genus is spread over New Zealand, Australia (especially Western), and New Caledonia : and the present species (D. Traversii, Hook)

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 711. Berry-bearing Tasmanian Shrubs

711. Berry-bearing Tasmanian Shrubs
In front the foliage and inflorescence of Richea dracophylla, R. Br. which reminds one rather of the Pine Apple than the beautiful genus Epacris, to which, however, it is closely allied

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 710. View over the Blue Mountains towards the Sea, New South Wal

710. View over the Blue Mountains towards the Sea, New South Wal
Flowers, seed-vessels, and young shoots, of Syncarpia laurifolia, Tenore, a tree of the same beyond on the left, and a Kangaroo Rat in the foreground

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 709. View from the Botanic Gardens, Hobart Town, Tasmania

709. View from the Botanic Gardens, Hobart Town, Tasmania
Grass-Trees (Xanthorrhoea sp.) and an Oyster Bay Pine (Frenela rhomboidea, Endl. var. tasmanica) in the foreground

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 708. A New Caledonian Plant, Hibiscus Cooperi

708. A New Caledonian Plant, Hibiscus Cooperi

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 706. Flowers of Roselle

706. Flowers of Roselle
This is Hibiscus Sabdariffa, Linn. an annual plant commonly cultivated in hot countries. Tarts and jellies are made from the fleshy calyx and capsule freed from the seeds

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 705. Palmyra Palms in Flood-time

705. Palmyra Palms in Flood-time
This Palm commonly grows in low tracts of land that are inundated during the rains. For further information, see description of 702, in which the flowers and fruit are represented

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 704. Tree Fern in the Preanger Mountains, Java

704. Tree Fern in the Preanger Mountains, Java

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 703. Small Hindu Temple of Kidel, Java

703. Small Hindu Temple of Kidel, Java
Bananas, Bamboos, and Palms in the background

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 702. Flowers and Fruit of the Palmyra, and the Palm seen through

702. Flowers and Fruit of the Palmyra, and the Palm seen through
It is recorded that the parts of this Palm (Borassus flabelliformis. L.) are applied to such a number of purposes that a poem in the Tamil language although enumerating 801 uses

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 701. View of the Village of Tosari, Java

701. View of the Village of Tosari, Java
The Ardjuno Volcano seen across the rich Plain. The tall slender trees in the foreground are Casuarina equisetifolia, Forst

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 699. Blauwater, Pasoeroewan, Java

699. Blauwater, Pasoeroewan, Java
An old Hindu Tank, whose Temple has disappeared; but its sacred monkeys are pensioned and petted by the Dutch Government

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 698. Two Swamp Plants of Java in Flower

698. Two Swamp Plants of Java in Flower
The snow-white flowers of the Costus speciosus, Sm. like those of most of its allies, are very fugitive, but the red bracts from which they spring are more durable. Cassia alata, Linn

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 695. Foliage and Flowers of a Forest Tree of Java

695. Foliage and Flowers of a Forest Tree of Java
Fagraea auriculata, Jack, is the name of the tree; and the bird (Megalaema sp.) is probably not a native of Java, though it was bought and painted there

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 694. Banyan Tree at Passu Gulah, near Diocia, Java

694. Banyan Tree at Passu Gulah, near Diocia, Java
A prisoner was formerly chained to the stone table for many years and employed his time rolling the two big stones around

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 693. Gardeners Cottage, Buitenzorg Botanic Garden Java

693. Gardeners Cottage, Buitenzorg Botanic Garden Java
It is hung with Bird Cages and shaded by trees covered with Rattan or Climbing Palms (Calamus sp.)

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 691. Statue of Buddha

691. Statue of Buddha
From the Great Pyramid of Boro Bodo, Java. Poinsettia and Iris behind it

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 690. The Mosque of Bandong, Java

690. The Mosque of Bandong, Java
The large trees are Pterocarpus indicus, Willd. commonly planted for shade in Java

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 689. Mat Houses, Bandong, Java

689. Mat Houses, Bandong, Java
Palms and Datura arborea, L. in the left foreground

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 688. Foliage and Flowers of the Clove, Fruit of the Mango, and Hindoo God of Wisdom, 1880

688. Foliage and Flowers of the Clove, Fruit of the Mango, and Hindoo God of Wisdom, 1880
Oil painting by Marianne North, 1880. The cloves of commerce are the unopened flower-buds, and the tree that produces them (Eugenia caryophyllata, Thunb.) is a native of the Moluccas

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 687. Foliage and Fruit of a small Screw Pine, Java

687. Foliage and Fruit of a small Screw Pine, Java

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 686. Volcanoes from Temangong, with Sugar Palms in the foregroun

686. Volcanoes from Temangong, with Sugar Palms in the foregroun
The trunk of this palm (Arenga saccharifera, Lab.) when dead is hollow, and furnishes very durable underground water-pipes

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 685. Idols and Temples at Brambanang, Java

685. Idols and Temples at Brambanang, Java

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 682. Group of Palms, Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java

682. Group of Palms, Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 681. Climbing Aroid and Nest of White Sparrows, Java

681. Climbing Aroid and Nest of White Sparrows, Java
Rhaphidophora sp. and Padda orizivora

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 679. The Ardjuno Volcano from Tosari, Java

679. The Ardjuno Volcano from Tosari, Java
Tree Ferns and Casuarinas in the foreground

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 672. A Javan Rhododendron and Ipomoea

672. A Javan Rhododendron and Ipomoea
The genus Rhododendron has a wide range in the Old World, from the Alps of Europe to China and Japan, and southward to Java, Borneo

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 670. The Talipot Palm in Flower and Fruit, and Wine Palm in flow

670. The Talipot Palm in Flower and Fruit, and Wine Palm in flow
Under 284 will be found an account of the mode of flowering of the Talipot Palm (Corypha Gebanga, Blume); and that of the Wine Palm (Caryota urens, Linn.) is equally curious

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 669. Japanese Persimmon or Kaki Fruit

669. Japanese Persimmon or Kaki Fruit
Several varieties of this fruit (Diospyros Kaki, Linn f.) are cultivated both in China and Japan; and some of them have been imported, and are now cultivated in the South of Europe

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 668. View from Malang, Java

668. View from Malang, Java
Mat Houses, and a large Tree in the foreground

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 667. Cascade at Tji Boddas, Java

667. Cascade at Tji Boddas, Java
Tree Ferns and Amomum plants in the foreground

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 666. Palms in the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java

666. Palms in the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java
In the centre are two small ones, having huge fan-shaped leaves. These are the famous Double Cocoanut, or Coco de Mer (Lodoicea sechellarum, Lab.), and they were then thirty years old

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 665. Banyan Trees at Buitenzorg, Java

665. Banyan Trees at Buitenzorg, Java
Roots descend from the branches of this tree (Ficus bengalensis, L.), on all sides, and after penetrating the ground they enlarge and grow into stems three or four feet or more in girth

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 664. Java Flowers

664. Java Flowers
Agalmyla staminea, Blume, with an Orchid and the trailing Campanulacea (Pratia egoniaefolia, Lindl.) in front

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 663. Pawan Durfur

663. Pawan Durfur
Temple crushed by a large Cotton tree, Java

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 662. Young pitchers and ripe seed-vessels of a Pitcher Plant of

662. Young pitchers and ripe seed-vessels of a Pitcher Plant of

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 660. Foliage and Flowers of an Indian climbing Evergreen Shrub

660. Foliage and Flowers of an Indian climbing Evergreen Shrub
At first sight this reminds one of the Himalayan Rhododendron Griffithianum, Wight. it is Beaumontia grandiflora, Wall. belonging to the Apocynaceae, and climbs to the tops of the highest trees

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 659. Japanese Flowers, painted from plants cultivated in this co

659. Japanese Flowers, painted from plants cultivated in this co
On the left is Aucuba japonica, Thunb. bearing the familiar mottled leaves and a cluster of the red berries; a group of single and semi-double varieties of Camellia japonica, L

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 659. Japanese Flowers, painted from plants cultivated in this co

659. Japanese Flowers, painted from plants cultivated in this co
On the left is Aucuba japonica, Thunb. bearing the familiar mottled leaves and a cluster of the red berries; a group of single and semi-double varieties of Camellia japonica, L

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 656. Small Temple of Maruyama at Kioto, Japan

656. Small Temple of Maruyama at Kioto, Japan
Cryptomeria japonica, Don, and bamboos in the background. The form of devotion practised at this temple consists in running round it one hundred times

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 655. Interior of Chion-in Temple, Kioto, Japan

655. Interior of Chion-in Temple, Kioto, Japan

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 654. Temple over the Great Bell of Chion-in, Kioto, Japan

654. Temple over the Great Bell of Chion-in, Kioto, Japan
This bell is eighteen feet in diameter

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 652. Entrance to the Temple at Kobe, Japan

652. Entrance to the Temple at Kobe, Japan
In the foreground on the right is the Sacred Horse, an albino with blue eyes and a pink nose, and hoofs turned up from want of exercise

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 651. Garden of the Nishihongwange Temple, Kioto, Japan

651. Garden of the Nishihongwange Temple, Kioto, Japan
Cycads (Cycads revoluta, Thunb.) and various dwarf plants on a rockery

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 650. Zedoary, a Climbing Plant and Mantises, Java

650. Zedoary, a Climbing Plant and Mantises, Java
The corolla of the climbing Ceropegia is remarkable in having the narrow ends of the lobes united at the tips. Zedoary root (Curcuma Zedoaria, Rosc.) is used medicinally

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 649. Village of Tosari, Java, 6000 feet above the level of the sea

649. Village of Tosari, Java, 6000 feet above the level of the sea
Casuarina trees, and the smoke of the Volcano Smiroe rising above the hill. Here are the gardens which supply all the European vegetables to the towns below

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 648. Roadside View from Sindang Laya, Java

648. Roadside View from Sindang Laya, Java
A Durian tree (Durio zibethinus, DC.) may be seen on the left

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 646. The Gader Volcano, Java, from Sindang Laya

646. The Gader Volcano, Java, from Sindang Laya
A young Casuarina, and Datura arborea in the foreground with an Erythrina in flower and a Furcraea poling on the left

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 645. Two Flowering Shrubs of Java

645. Two Flowering Shrubs of Java
Strophanthus dichotomous, DC. and Lagerstroemia indica, L. The five-tailed corollas of the first are singular, as well as its large seed-vessel

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 642. Rice Drying on the sea-shore near Yokohama, Japan

642. Rice Drying on the sea-shore near Yokohama, Japan

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 641. Japanese Chrysanthemums, cultivated in this country

641. Japanese Chrysanthemums, cultivated in this country

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 637. Plants of Sarawak

637. Plants of Sarawak
On the left the bold, longitudinally-ribbed foliage of a Melastomacea with a vine in fruit, the name of which we have not determined;

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 636. The Volcanoes of Merapi and Marbaboe, Java, from the top of Boro Bodoer

636. The Volcanoes of Merapi and Marbaboe, Java, from the top of Boro Bodoer
The rich plain at their feet covered with morning mist; the tops of the Cocoanut groves alone showing above it, and indicating the position of the numerous native villages

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 635. Tea-drying in Mr. Holles establishment, Java

635. Tea-drying in Mr. Holles establishment, Java

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 634. Foliage, Fruit, and Flowers of a Rose-apple, Java

634. Foliage, Fruit, and Flowers of a Rose-apple, Java
Fruit edible. This is probably a variety of Eugenia aquea, Burm. f

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 633. Rice Harvest, near Bandong, Java

633. Rice Harvest, near Bandong, Java
The working buffaloes, though very savage towards men, get fond of the boys who drive them and habitually sit on their backs

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 632. Young Leaves and Flowers and Fruit of Cotton tree

632. Young Leaves and Flowers and Fruit of Cotton tree
The seeds of Eriodendron anfractuosum, DC. are densely clothed with silky-white hair (Kapok), which is used to stuff pillows, &c.; in Java the trees themselves are used as telegraph posts

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 631. Flowers and Fruit of the Jamboa Boll, Java

631. Flowers and Fruit of the Jamboa Boll, Java
The fruit is sweet, like a pear, and is the product of a species of Eugenia of the section Jambosa

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 630. village of Mat Houses, near Garoet, Java

630. village of Mat Houses, near Garoet, Java
Observe that the houses are raised on piles above the ground, so that the air can circulate beneath the floors

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 629. India-rubber trees at Buitenzorg, Java

629. India-rubber trees at Buitenzorg, Java
For some particulars respecting this tree (Ficus elastica, Roxb.) the reader is referred to the description of 260. It is a native of Assam in North India

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 627. Blue-flowered Climber and a common Swamp Plant of Sarawak

627. Blue-flowered Climber and a common Swamp Plant of Sarawak
The Burmese Thunbergia grandiflora, Roxb. and a species of Fagraea, belonging to the Loganiaceae

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 626. Palms in the Botanic Garden at Rio Janeiro

626. Palms in the Botanic Garden at Rio Janeiro
The Organ Mountains appear in the back ground

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 625. Foliage and Flowers of a tree commonly cultivated in warm countries

625. Foliage and Flowers of a tree commonly cultivated in warm countries
Sesbania grandiflora, Pers. var. coccinea, may be a native of the Malayan Archipelago and North Australia. The tender leaves, flowers

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 623. The Soembing Volcano, Java

623. The Soembing Volcano, Java
In front a plantation of Teak trees, and the artists home for ten days, seen from the top of the Boro Bodoer. See the description of 636

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 622. Another View of Papandayang, with Jak fruit Tree in the for

622. Another View of Papandayang, with Jak fruit Tree in the for

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 620. The Great Square of Malang, Java, 1880

620. The Great Square of Malang, Java, 1880
Oil painting no 620 by Marianne North, 1880. The trees are a kind of Fig (Ficus Benjamina, L.), with bullock carts beneath their shade

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 612. Cobweb Bridge in Borneo, made by the Dyaks with Rattans and

612. Cobweb Bridge in Borneo, made by the Dyaks with Rattans and
Only one of the latter is provided for foot hold, but it is so cleverly fastened that even Europeans in shoes can cross it, if not too giddy from the swinging motion

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 611. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Vanilla albida

611. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Vanilla albida
Several species of this genus are cultivated for the fruit or seed-vessel, which is used to scent and flavour delicate sweet- meats and beverages

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 610. A Tailors Shop in the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, shaded b

610. A Tailors Shop in the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, shaded b
The Sago Palm (Metroxylon Sagu, Rottb.) attains a height of about thirty feet in fifteen years, and then sends up a large terminal inflorescence

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 609. Tea Gathering in Mr. Holles Plantation at Garoet, Java

609. Tea Gathering in Mr. Holles Plantation at Garoet, Java
The volcano of Goentoen in the distance. In the right foreground Coffee bushes, a Cypress, and some trees of Canarium commune, L

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 608. The Avocado or Alligator Pear

608. The Avocado or Alligator Pear
Persea gratissima, Gaert. f. is a member of the Laurel family, native of tropical America, where, as well as in other countries, it is commonly cultivated

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 606. View near Garoet, Java, Wild Bananas and Coffee Bushes in F

606. View near Garoet, Java, Wild Bananas and Coffee Bushes in F
For flowers and fruit of Coffee see 153

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 605. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Sapodilla Plum

605. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of the Sapodilla Plum
Achras Sapota, L. a native of tropical America, is now cultivated in other parts of the world for its excellent fruit, which tastes like a medlar

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 603. Specimens of the Coquito Palm of Chile, in Camden. Park, Ne

603. Specimens of the Coquito Palm of Chile, in Camden. Park, Ne
The palms were planted by Sir W. Macarthur, and were fifty years old when painted. The Coquito Palm (Jubaea spectabilis, H. B)

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 601. Flowers and Young Fruits of the Pinanga malaiana, Scheff

601. Flowers and Young Fruits of the Pinanga malaiana, Scheff

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 600. Foliage and Flowers of a Tropical American Shrub and Honeys

600. Foliage and Flowers of a Tropical American Shrub and Honeys
Solandra grandiflora, Sw. resembling Datura arborea, L. and a member of the same family, namely Solanceae

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 599. A cultivated Crinum, painted in Borneo

599. A cultivated Crinum, painted in Borneo
Crinum augustum, Roxb. a native of Mauritius and Seychelles, and one of the handsomest of this fine genus of Amaryllidaceae. Entire plants are represented in 547

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 598. Stagshorn Fern, and the Young Rajah of Sarawak, with Chines

598. Stagshorn Fern, and the Young Rajah of Sarawak, with Chines
This remarkable fern (Platyceium qrande, J. Sm.), is of a prodigious size and bears two kinds of fronds, fertile and sterile, the former being pendent and divided into narrow segments

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 597. Foliage and Fruit of the Gourka or Goraka of India

597. Foliage and Fruit of the Gourka or Goraka of India
This tree (Garcinia dulcis, Roxb.), yields an inferior quality of gamboge. The fruit is hidden beneath the dense screen of foliage, and can only be seen by lifting it aside

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 596. Flowers and Fruit of Barringtonia, Borneo

596. Flowers and Fruit of Barringtonia, Borneo
Barringtonia speciosa, Forst. is a tree of the Myrtle order, common on the sea-shore of the Malayan, Mascarene, and Polynesian Islands

Background imageMarianne North Collection: 595. Bornean Orchids

595. Bornean Orchids
In the lower left corner, Cypripedium Hookerae. Rchb. f. with spotted leaves, and above it, 0. Lowii, Lindl. with a white-flowered Sarcochilus Calceolus, Lindl. on the right, and a Sarcanthus

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