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Flora Collection

Background imageFlora Collection: Atropa belladonna - Deadly nightshade

Atropa belladonna - Deadly nightshade
Botanical illustration of deadly nightshade

Background imageFlora Collection: Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarum

Study of Coco de Mer - Lodicea sechellarum
Illustration of the germinating nut, a snake twined around one of the trees and also a drawing of the cross section of the nut

Background imageFlora Collection: Corylus avellana, hazel

Corylus avellana, hazel
Corylus avellana. Common hazel. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 2, 1886. Tab. 163 T. 163

Background imageFlora Collection: Epidendrum vanille, 1774

Epidendrum vanille, 1774
Illustration of Epidendrum vanille, currently accepted as Vanilla mexicana. The illustration is from La Botanique mise a la portee de tout le Monde by Nicolas Francois Regnault (1746-c.1810)

Background imageFlora Collection: Buddleia colvilei, Smith M

Buddleia colvilei, Smith M
Vol 121, t. 7449, 1895, Buddleia colvilei, Smith M, Buddlejaceae

Background imageFlora Collection: Buddleia crispa, Fitch W

Buddleia crispa, Fitch W
Vol 80, t.4793, 1854, Buddleia crispa, Fitch Walter Hood, Buddlejaceae

Background imageFlora Collection: Anogramma ascensionis - Ascension Island

Anogramma ascensionis - Ascension Island

Background imageFlora Collection: Chamaedorea linearis, 1823-53

Chamaedorea linearis, 1823-53
Illustration of Chamaedorea linearis commonly known as, whale tail palm from Historia Naturalis Palmarum by Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, 1823-53

Background imageFlora Collection: American Bog Plants

American Bog Plants. Fetid pothos. Sarracenia flava, Dionaea muscipula. I Fetid pothos. II Pitcher plant. III Venuss fly trap

Background imageFlora Collection: Cornus nuttallii x florida

Cornus nuttallii x florida
CORNACEAE, Cornus nuttallii x florida (1969-12748)

Background imageFlora Collection: Foeniculum officinale, fennel

Foeniculum officinale, fennel
Foeniculum officinale as Foeniculum vulgare, commonly known as sweet fennel. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 3, 1888

Background imageFlora Collection: Allium cepa, onion

Allium cepa, onion
Allium cepa. Onion. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 1, 1886. Tab. 124 T.124

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea carpentariae, Andre Leu

Nymphaea carpentariae, Andre Leu

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea, Kew, Stowaway blues

Nymphaea, Kew, Stowaway blues

Background imageFlora Collection: Heracleum mantegazzianum - Giant Hogweed

Heracleum mantegazzianum - Giant Hogweed

Background imageFlora Collection: Cyphomandra betacea - Tamarillo - Tree Tomato

Cyphomandra betacea - Tamarillo - Tree Tomato
19825155, SOLANACEAE, Cyphomandra betacea

Background imageFlora Collection: Abutilon Boule De Neige

Abutilon Boule De Neige
1997-6540, MALVACEAE, Abutilon Boule De Neige

Background imageFlora Collection: Rhododendron macgregoriae

Rhododendron macgregoriae
1967-44903 EDIN, ERICACEAE, Rhododendron macgregoriae, New Guinea

Background imageFlora Collection: Ipomoea horsfalliae var. briggsii

Ipomoea horsfalliae var. briggsii
1969-17744, CONVOVULACEAE, Ipomoea horsfalliae var. briggsii

Background imageFlora Collection: Anemone hupehensis

Anemone hupehensis
2009-1220 JOFW, RANUNCULACEAE, Anemone hupehensis

Background imageFlora Collection: Large Flowering Sensitive Plant

Large Flowering Sensitive Plant. Mimosa pigra. Illustration from New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus by Robert J. Thornton, London, 1799, Publ. Dr. Thornton. Tab. 17 T.017

Background imageFlora Collection: Humulus lupulus, hop

Humulus lupulus, hop
Humulus lupulus. Hop, hops. Cannabaceae family. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 2, 1886. Tab.183 T.183

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea Piyalarp

Nymphaea Piyalarp
2008-933 PRWA, NYMPHACEAE. Nymphaea Piyalarp

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea Carlos Magdalena

Nymphaea Carlos Magdalena
2007-1802 KKNO - Nymphaea Carlos Magdalena, NYMPHAEACEAE

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea thermarum is the smallest waterlily in the world

Nymphaea thermarum is the smallest waterlily in the world, and the only Nymphaea to grow in damp mud rather than water - This ├ä├ÂÔêÜ├æÔêÜÔëñthermal├ä├ÂÔêÜ├æÔêÜa waterlily

Background imageFlora Collection: Coelogyne pandurata

Coelogyne pandurata
John Day scrap book No. 43 page 43: Coelogyne pandurata - 4th July 1884

Background imageFlora Collection: Acacia retinodes

Acacia retinodes
1978-6209, FABACEAE, LEGUMINOSAE, MIMOSOIDEAE, Acacia retinodes, Australia

Background imageFlora Collection: Commidendrum rugosum

Commidendrum rugosum
1970-4387 KENR, COMPOSITAE, Commidendrum rugosum

Background imageFlora Collection: Good King Henry

Good King Henry
Chenopodium bonus Henricus, Good King Henry. REGNAULT Nicolas Francois (1746-c.1810) and Genevive de Nangis REGNAULT (b.1746)

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea Piyatarp

Nymphaea Piyatarp
2008-933, NYMPHAEACEAE, Nymphaea " Piyatarp"

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea carpentariae x violacea

Nymphaea carpentariae x violacea

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea Rattana Ubol

Nymphaea Rattana Ubol

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea Carlas Sonshine

Nymphaea Carlas Sonshine
2013-477 SUTIM, Nymphaea Carlas Sonshine, NYMPHAEACEAE

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea Bimini Twist

Nymphaea Bimini Twist
2013-474 SUTM, NYMPHAEACEAE, Nymphaea Bimini Twist

Background imageFlora Collection: Nymphaea violacea x colorata

Nymphaea violacea x colorata

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