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Images Dated 19th January 2011

48 Items

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 24. Sea-shore near Valparaiso, Chili

24. Sea-shore near Valparaiso, Chili
The vegetation on the rocks consists largely of Puya, Cereus and Mesembryan-thermum chilense, Molin. This is the only species of the last named genus in Chili

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 10. The Baths of Cauquenas in the Cordilleras South of, Santiago

10. The Baths of Cauquenas in the Cordilleras South of, Santiago
Columnar Cacti, Pitcairnia, Alstroemeria, Echinocactus, calandrinia, etc. in the foreground on the right. These plants are all represented life size in the paintings around

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 4. Puzzle -Monkey Trees and Guanacos, Chili

4. Puzzle -Monkey Trees and Guanacos, Chili
Pehuen is the Chilian name of the familiar Araucaria imbricata, Pav. here represented in full development at home close under the Cordilleras of Chili, where there are no monkeys

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili

21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili
" Robble, " literally oak, is the name given to the common large-leaved Chilian " Beech" (Nothofagus obliqua, Mirb.)

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 30. The Wild Tamarind of Jamaica with scarlet Pod and Barbet

30. The Wild Tamarind of Jamaica with scarlet Pod and Barbet
This showy Leguminous tree is Cojoba arborea var. arborea (synonym Pithecellobium filicifolium) which ranges through the West Indies and Central America

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 12. Some Wild Flowers of Quilpue Chili

12. Some Wild Flowers of Quilpue Chili
Beginning at the top on the right are the tufted leaves and hanging orange-red flowers of Lobelia salicifolia, Don, and intermingling with the foliage the graceful blue Conanthera bifolia

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 3. Burning Bush and Emu Wren of Chili

3. Burning Bush and Emu Wren of Chili
The Burning Bush (Embothriumn coccineum, Forst.) belongs to the same family as the South African genera Protea and Leucaden-dron and the Australian Banksia and Grevillea

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 25. Inflorescence of the Blue Puya, and Moths, Chili

25. Inflorescence of the Blue Puya, and Moths, Chili
Common inhabitants of the Cordilleras are two noble representatives of the Pine-Apple Order, the Bromeliaceae, namely Puya Whytei, Hook. the present, and P. chilensis (see 19)

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 19. View near Quilpue, Chili

19. View near Quilpue, Chili
On the rocks in front a gigantic species of Calceolaria, with Puya chilensis, Molina, above, and Boldo trees and Columnar Cacti in the distance

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 15. Armed Birds Nest in Acacia Bush, Chili

15. Armed Birds Nest in Acacia Bush, Chili
Trabajor, that is labourer, is the name given to this bird (Izuallaxis: sordida), a delicate creature that builds an impregnable nest off the spiny branchlets of Acacia cavenia, Molina

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 8. Chilian Palms in the Valley of Salto

8. Chilian Palms in the Valley of Salto
Jubaea spectabilis, H.B.K. is the only kind of palm native in Chili and although it wants the grace and elegance of many of its family it is not less useful

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 50. Landscape at Morro Velho, Brazil

50. Landscape at Morro Velho, Brazil
In the foreground is a colony of Butterflies (Helicon phyllis) going to roost on a single segment of a palm leaf, from which they will never move until the suns rays reach them in the morning

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 45. Harvesting the Sugar-Cane in Minas Geraes, Brazil

45. Harvesting the Sugar-Cane in Minas Geraes, Brazil
The solid stems of the sugar-cane (Saccharum offcinarum, Linn.) grow ten, or even as much as fifteen, feet high, and the -sugar-juice is expressed from them by machinery

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 27. Chilian Lilies and other Flowers in Black Jug and ornamented

27. Chilian Lilies and other Flowers in Black Jug and ornamented
Behind is a yellow Calceolaria and a blue Heliotrope, with the beautiful striped Placea ornata, Miers, in the centre, and three varieties or species of Leucocoryne below

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 18. Chilian Flowers in Twin Mate Pot, and Chilian Strawberries

18. Chilian Flowers in Twin Mate Pot, and Chilian Strawberries
Behind, the heath-like Fabiana imbricata, Ruiz et Pav. and a miniature irid (Tigridia sp ?), with the deep blue Pasithaea coerulea, Don, yellow Mimulus luteus Linn. pink Eyrthraea chilensis, Pers

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 17. View of Concon, Chili, with its two Palms

17. View of Concon, Chili, with its two Palms

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 13. Two Climbing Plants of Chili and Butterflies

13. Two Climbing Plants of Chili and Butterflies
Hanging above Tacsonia pinnatistipula, Juss. (syn. T. chilensis, Miers); below the dull purple flowers and green fleshy edible fruit of Lardizabala biternata, Ruiz et Pav

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 11. Mexican Poppies, Chilian Schizanthus and Insects

11. Mexican Poppies, Chilian Schizanthus and Insects
The Mexican Poppy (Argemone mexicana, Linn.) colonisesfreely, and is now widely spread in warm countries of both hemispheres

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 53. View of the Piedade Mountains, from Congo, Brazil

53. View of the Piedade Mountains, from Congo, Brazil

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 59. A Brazilian Climbing Shrub and Humming Birds

59. A Brazilian Climbing Shrub and Humming Birds
Observe the curious looped-shaped seed-vessel of Odontadenia speciosa, Benth. (syn. Dipladenia Harrisii, Purdie) in the upper right-hand corner; the carpels forming it cohere at the base

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 22. Chilian Ground Orchids and other Flowers

22. Chilian Ground Orchids and other Flowers
Here are three species of the large, peculiarly South American, and mainly Chilian, genus of ground orchids, Chloraea; the orange-coloured one matching Alstroemeria aurantiaca in 12

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 14. Some Flowers of the Sterile Region of Cauquenas, Chili

14. Some Flowers of the Sterile Region of Cauquenas, Chili
Here is represented a portion of the inflorescence of the Pitcairnia to be seen in the foreground of 10, which is probably the same as one formerly in cultivation under the name of P. rubricaulis

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 9. Common Flowers of Chili

9. Common Flowers of Chili
The large white flower, which changes to pink, is one of the Evening Primrose genus-Oenothera acaulis, Cay. (syn. 0. grandiflora, Ruiz et Pav, and 0)

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 57. Wild Flowers of Brazil

57. Wild Flowers of Brazil
The large, greenish-white flowers with a crimson and yellow centre are those of a shrubby epiphyte (Clusia) belonging to the Gamboge family; associated with it is a species of Sisyrinchiuim having

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 34. View in Mr. Morits Garden at Petropolis, Brazil

34. View in Mr. Morits Garden at Petropolis, Brazil

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 60. Flor de Pascua or Easter Flower at Morro Velho, Brazil

60. Flor de Pascua or Easter Flower at Morro Velho, Brazil
This plant, Euphorbia pulcherrima, Willd. (syn. Poinsettia pulcherrirma, Grah.), is a native of Central America, commonly cultivated in England, but it is not usual to see such large inflorescences

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 44. Some Brazilian Flowers

44. Some Brazilian Flowers
A white-flowered Convolvulacea, associated with a species of Dipteracanthus-a shrub smelling like onions, and a yellow-flowered Composita (As-pilia ?) that smells like vanilla

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 42. Flor Imperiale, Coral Snake and Spider, Brazil

42. Flor Imperiale, Coral Snake and Spider, Brazil
" The flower is Haemanthus multfitorus, Martyn, which has long been cultivated in this country; and the Snake is a :species of Elaps

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 35. View of the Jesuit College of Caracas, Minas Geraes, Brazil

35. View of the Jesuit College of Caracas, Minas Geraes, Brazil
Coral Trees (Erythrina sp.) in flower in the foreground. The College is at an elevation of about 3000 feet above the sea level

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 33. Flowers of Cassia corymbosa in Minas Geraes, Brazil

33. Flowers of Cassia corymbosa in Minas Geraes, Brazil
A South American forest tree whose twin leaflets close together at sunset. The insects Pterochroya ocellata are called Leaf Insects (see 676)

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 31. Inflorescence of the West Indian Pinguin

31. Inflorescence of the West Indian Pinguin
This, the Bromelia Pinguin of Linnaeus, is a native of the West Indies, where it is also commonly planted for hedges. It belongs to the same family as the Chilian Puya

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 29. Some Fruits and Vegetables used in Brazil

29. Some Fruits and Vegetables used in Brazil
In front the Ochro (Hibiscus esculentus, L.), the seed-vessels of which are used in thickening soups; the Guianga, a myrtaceous fruit, with a kind of Pumpkin called Borbora

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 28. Group of Sago-yielding Cycads in the Botanic Garden at Rio J

28. Group of Sago-yielding Cycads in the Botanic Garden at Rio J
Behind some Date Palms (Phoenix dactylifera, Linn.). In the right foreground is the trunk of a Camphor tree with Vanilla growing thereon. The cycad is Cycas circinalis, Linn

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 26. The Blue Puya and Cactus at home in the Cordilleras, near Apnear Apogquindo

26. The Blue Puya and Cactus at home in the Cordilleras, near Apnear Apogquindo
The grand Puya, depicted above life-size, is here seen associated with Cereus Quisco, Gay (see 23), in its home on the steep, stony slopes of the Cordilleras, where there is little other vegetation

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 58. Study of the Travellers Tree of Madagascar in the Botanic G

58. Study of the Travellers Tree of Madagascar in the Botanic G
This tree (Ravenala madagascariensis, Sonn.), is called the Travellers Friend, as its broad leaves collect the precipitated moisture which filters into its tightly-plaited sheaths;

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 55. Brazilian Wild Flowers

55. Brazilian Wild Flowers
Vellozia verruculosa, Mart. (blue), Xyris sp. (yellow), a purple-flowered orchid (Bletia sp.), and a delicately-scented epiphyte (Clusia), to which the artist was attracted by its scent

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 54. Cabazina Pears, Brazil

54. Cabazina Pears, Brazil
One of the many varieties of Psidium Guayava, Raddi (syn. P.pyriforme, Linn.); a some-what bitter fruit having a peach-like skin

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 52. Twining Plant and Butterfly of Brazil

52. Twining Plant and Butterfly of Brazil
This beautiful twining plant is a species of Dipladenia, allied to D. crassinoda, and the butterfly is Morpho achillaena

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 51. Foliage and Flowers of a Madagascar Plant

51. Foliage and Flowers of a Madagascar Plant
This is Amomum magnificum, Benth, (syn. A1ipinia magnifier, Roscoe). For a long time it was supposed to be a native of Mauritius, where, however, it is only naturalised

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 48. Palm Trees and Boulders in the Bay of Rio, Brazil

48. Palm Trees and Boulders in the Bay of Rio, Brazil
Painted at Paquita; the Organ Mountains in the distance

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 41. Indian Palm at Sette, Lagoa, Brazil

41. Indian Palm at Sette, Lagoa, Brazil
Probably a species of Attalea

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 40. Boulders, Fishermans Cottage and Tree hung with Air Plant

40. Boulders, Fishermans Cottage and Tree hung with Air Plant
Tillandsia usneoides, Linn. also called Old Mans Beard and Long Moss, as well as Air Plant, is a member of the Bromeliaceae (see 139 and 232)

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 39. Orchids and Creeper on Water-worn Boulders in the Bay of Rio

39. Orchids and Creeper on Water-worn Boulders in the Bay of Rio
The creeping plant at the top is Codonanthe Hookeri, Hanst. (syn. Hypocyrta gracilis, Mart.); the large-flowered Orchid is a variety of Cattleya Forbesii, Lindl

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 38. A Tropical American Water Plant

38. A Tropical American Water Plant
Eichornia azurea, Kunthi. This was found growing in the Lake of Lagoa Santa, Brazil, where it was planted by Dr. Lunid, a Danish Naturalist

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 36. View in Brazil near 0uro Preto with Oil Palms

36. View in Brazil near 0uro Preto with Oil Palms
(Elaeis guineensis?), Cacti (Cereus sp.) and Papaw Tree (Carica Papaya, L.) in the foreground. The figure on the left is the Papaw, which is also shown in 91, and its fruit in 700

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 32. A tall Brazilian Climber

32. A tall Brazilian Climber
This is Aristolochia braziliensis, Mart. & Zucc. var. and the strangely-formed, veined flowers have a very unpleasant smell

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 56. View under the Ferns at Gongo, Brazil

56. View under the Ferns at Gongo, Brazil
In front a Slave Woman who brought the artists provisions over eight miles of forest road

Background imageImages Dated 19th January 2011: 2. Common Tobacco

2. Common Tobacco
A plant belonging to the same-family as the Potato. Several other kinds of tobacco are culti-vated, but this kind (Nicotiana Tabacum)

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