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Bulbs Rights Managed Collection

115 Rights Managed

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Amaryllis Divers, 1845 - 1883

Amaryllis Divers, 1845 - 1883
Current accepted plant name is Hippeastrum sp. commonly known as amaryllis. Hand-finished lithograph from Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, 1845-1883, volume 16

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tulip Bissard Adelaar, 1740

Tulip Bissard Adelaar, 1740
Watercolour on paper of Tulip Bissard Adelaar dated 1740. Painting by Georg Dionysus Ehret (1708 - 1770). Part of the Arthur Church Collection

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Amaryllis blanda (The Blush-lily)

Amaryllis blanda (The Blush-lily)
Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1450, 1st March 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Iris bulbosa latifolia, 1757

Iris bulbosa latifolia, 1757
Gouache painting on vellum of Iris latifolia with a moth by Georg Dionysius Ehret (1708-1770), signed and dated 1757. The painting is from the Tankerville Collection, purchased 1934

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Allium giganteum, 1885

Allium giganteum, 1885
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1885. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 111, plate 6828

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Fritillaria meleagris, 1880-1888

Fritillaria meleagris, 1880-1888
Illustration of Fritillaria meleagris, commonly known as snake s-head fritillary. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper, 1880-1888. Artwork from Flora von Deutschland (revised by Dr)

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Cyclamen hederifolium, 1807

Cyclamen hederifolium, 1807
Illustration of Cyclamen hederifolium, commonly known as cyclamen or sow bread. Hand-coloured engraving on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1807

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Muscari szovitsianum, 1886

Muscari szovitsianum, 1886
Current accepted plant name is Muscari armeniacum, commonly known as grape hyacinth. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1886

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Crocus sativus, c. 1828

Crocus sativus, c. 1828
Illustration of Crocus sativus, also known as saffron, from Kew Collection, possibly by Vishnupersaud for John Forbes Royle, c.1828

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Trillium erectum, ca. 1807

Trillium erectum, ca. 1807
" Original illustration by Sydenham Edwards, ca. 1807. This artwork was used in Curtiss Botanical Magazine, 1807; volume 26, plate 1027

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tigridia pavonia, 1802-1816

Tigridia pavonia, 1802-1816
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Pierre-Joseph Redoute, 1802-1816. Artwork from Les Liliac?(C)es, volume 1, plate 6

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tecophilaea cyanocrocus, 1872

Tecophilaea cyanocrocus, 1872
Illustration of Tecophilaea cyanocrocus, commonly known as Chilean blue crocus or Chilean crocus, from Gartenflora by Eduard von Regel, 1872; volume 21, plate 718, page 104-105

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Scilla bifolia, 1804

Scilla bifolia, 1804
Illustration of Scilla bifolia, commonly known as squill or glory-of-the-snow. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1804

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Romulea bulbocodium, 1834-1843

Romulea bulbocodium, 1834-1843
Illustration of Romulea bulbocodium, commonly known as Mediterranean romulea. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Isaac Hugh Russell, 1834-1843

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Nectaroscordum siculum, 1836

Nectaroscordum siculum, 1836
Illustration of Nectaroscordum siculum, current accepted plant name Allium siculum, commonly known Sicilan honey garlic, Sicilian honey lily or Mediterranean bells

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Calochortus splendens, 1835

Calochortus splendens, 1835
Illustration of Calochortus splendens, commonly known as Mariposa lily, fairy lantern, globe lily, star tulip. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sarah Anne Drake, 1835

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Narcissus papyraceus, 1806

Narcissus papyraceus, 1806
Illustration of Narcissus papyraceus, commonly known as paper-white narcissus. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1806. Artwork from Sydenham Edwards, volume 24, plate 947

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Narcissus bulbocodium, 1790

Narcissus bulbocodium, 1790
Illustration of Narcissus bulbocodium, commonly known as hoop petticoat daffodil. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by James Sowerby, 1790

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Narcissus minor, 1787

Narcissus minor, 1787
Illustration of Narcissus minor, commonly known as daffodil or wild daffodil. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1787. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 1, plate 6

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Moraea tricuspidata, 1804

Moraea tricuspidata, 1804
Illustration of Moraea tricuspidata, commonly known as moraea or Cape tulip. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1804

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Leucojum aestivum, 1809

Leucojum aestivum, 1809
Illustration of Leucojum aestivum, commonly known as snowflake, spring snowflake, summer snowflake or Lodden lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1809

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Leucojum aestivum, 1770

Leucojum aestivum, 1770
Illustration of Leucojum aestivum, commonly known as snowflake, spring snowflake, summer snowflake or Lodden lily. Artwork from Enumeratio Plantarum Florae Danicae or known as Flora Danica by Georg

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Lachenalia bulbifera, 1803

Lachenalia bulbifera, 1803
Illustration of Lachenalia bulbifera, commonly known as Cape cowslip. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1803. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 16, plate 590

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Hyacinthus orientalis, 1806

Hyacinthus orientalis, 1806
Illustration of Hyacinthus orientalis, commonly known as hyacinth. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1806. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 24, plate 937

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Hyancinthoides non-scripta, 1834-1843

Hyancinthoides non-scripta, 1834-1843
Illustration of Hyancinthoides non-scripta, commonly known as English bluebell or bluebell by William Alfred Delamotte, 1834-1843

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Ixia polystachya, 1805

Ixia polystachya, 1805
Illustration of Ixia polystachya, commonly known as African corn lily, corn lily or wandflower. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, June 1st 1805

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Hesperantha coccinea, 1845-1883

Hesperantha coccinea, 1845-1883
Illustration of Hesperantha coccinea, commonly known as crimson flag lily or Kaffir lily, 1845-1883. Artwork from Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, volume 16

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Gladiolus x byzantinus, 1805

Gladiolus x byzantinus, 1805
Illustration of Gladiolus x byzantinus, commonly known as star of gladiolus or sword lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1805

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Gladiolus communis, 1790

Gladiolus communis, 1790
Illustration of Gladiolus communis, commonly known as star of gladiolus, sword lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1790

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Gladiolus italicus, 1804

Gladiolus italicus, 1804
Illustration of Gladiolus italicus, commonly known as Italian gladiolus, field gladiolus or common sword lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1804

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Ornithogalum candicans, 1845-1883

Ornithogalum candicans, 1845-1883
Illustration of Ornithogalum candicans, commonly known as star of Bethlehem or spire lily, 1845-1883. Artwork from Flore des Serres et des Jardin de l Europe by Louis Van Houtte, volume 21; p. 46-47

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Galanthus nivalis, 1832-1833

Galanthus nivalis, 1832-1833
Illustration of Galanthus nivalis commonly known as snowdrop, milk flower or candlemass bells, 1832-1833. Artwork from Flora Regni Borussici by Albert Gottfried Dietrich, volume 1, plate 32

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Eucomis comosa, 1813

Eucomis comosa, 1813
Illustration of Eucomis comosa, commonly known as pineapple lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1813. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 37, plate 1539

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Fritillaria imperialis, 1805-1816

Fritillaria imperialis, 1805-1816
Illustration of Fritillaria imperialis commonly known as crown imperial, illustrated by Pierre Joseph Redout├®, 1805-1816. Artwork from Les Liliac├®es, volume 3, plate 131

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Erythronium dens-canis, 1787

Erythronium dens-canis, 1787
Illustration of Erythronium dens-canis, commonly known as dog s-tooth violet, trout lily or glacier lily. Hand-coloured engraving on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1787

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Eranthis hyemalis, 1787

Eranthis hyemalis, 1787
Illustration of Eranthis hyemalis, commonly known as winter aconite. Hand-coloured engraving on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1787. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 1, plate 3

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Crocus speciosus, 1839

Crocus speciosus, 1839
Illustration of Crocus speciosus, commonly known as crocus illustrated by Sarah Anne Drake, 1 July 1839. Artwork from Edwardss Botanical Register, volume 25, plate 40

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Cyclamen coum, 1787

Cyclamen coum, 1787
Illustration of Cyclamen coum, commonly known as cyclamen or sow bread. Hand-coloured engraving on paper by James Sowerby, 1787. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 1, plate 4

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Cyclamen hederifolium, 1838

Cyclamen hederifolium, 1838
Illustration of Cyclamen hederifolium, commonly known as cyclamen or sow bread. Hand-coloured engraving on paper by Sarah Anne Drake, 1838

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora, 1882

Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora, 1882
Illustration of Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora, commonly known as montbretia. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Edouard Godard, 1882

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Crinum x powellii, 1890

Crinum x powellii, 1890
Illustration of Crinum x powellii, commonly known as swamp lily or Powell s, illustrated by Henry George Moon, 25th January 1890

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Corydalis solida, 1770

Corydalis solida, 1770
Illustration of Corydalis solida, commonly known as spring fumewort, spring corydalis or bird-in-a-bush, 1770. Artwork from Enumeratio Plantarum Florae Danicae by Georg Christian Oeder, volume 21

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Corydalis solida, 1793

Corydalis solida, 1793
Illustration of Corydalis solida, commonly known as spring fumewort, spring corydalis or bird-in-a-bush. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1893

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Convallaria majalis, 1887

Convallaria majalis, 1887
Coloured plate of Convallaria majalis, commonly known as lily of the valley, May bells or May lily, 1887. Artwork from Kohler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erlauterndem

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Amaryllis belladonna, 1804

Amaryllis belladonna, 1804
Illustration of Amaryllis belladonna, commonly known as belladonna lily or Jersey lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1804

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Amaryllis belladonna, 1760-1790

Amaryllis belladonna, 1760-1790
Illustration of Amaryllis belladonna, commonly known as belladonna lily or Jersey lily. Mounted watercolour on vellum by Peter Brown, 1760-1790

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Allium sphaerocephalon, 1794

Allium sphaerocephalon, 1794
Illustration of Allium sphaerocephalon, commonly known as ornamental onion. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1794. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 7, plate 251

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Allium senescens, 1808

Allium senescens, 1808
Illustration of Allium senescens, commonly known as ornamental onion. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1808. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 29, plate 1150

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Agapanthus africanus, 1800

Agapanthus africanus, 1800
Illustration of Agapanthus africanus, commonly known as African lily, lily of the Nile or blue lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1800

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Acis autumnalis, 1806

Acis autumnalis, 1806
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1806. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 24, plate 960

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Oxalis versicolor, 1791

Oxalis versicolor, 1791
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sydenham Edwards, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 5, plate 155

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: The Dragon Arum, ca 1801-1807

The Dragon Arum, ca 1801-1807
Current accepted plant name is Dracunculus vulgaris, commonly known as dragons tongue or dragon lily. Mezzotint and aquatint by Peter Henderson, ca 1801-1807

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Camassia quamash, 1832

Camassia quamash, 1832
Current accepted plant name is Camassia quamash, commonly known as Indian hyacinth. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Sarah Anne Drake, 1832

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tulbaghia violacea, 1837

Tulbaghia violacea, 1837
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1837. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 64, plate 3555

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Roscoea humeana, 1824

Roscoea humeana, 1824
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1824. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 151, plate 9075

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Roscoea purpurea, 1852

Roscoea purpurea, 1852
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1852. Artwork from Curtis's Botanical Magazine, volume 78, plate 4630

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Chionodoxa luciliae, 1879

Chionodoxa luciliae, 1879
Current accepted plant name is Scilla luciliae, commonly known as squill or glory-of-the-snow. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1879

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Scilla amoenula, 1823

Scilla amoenula, 1823
Current accepted plant name is Scilla siberica subsp. siberica, commonly known as squill or glory-of-the-snow. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1823

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Amaryllis lutea, 1795

Amaryllis lutea, 1795
Current accepted plant name is Sternbergia lutea, commonly known as winter daffodil or fall daffodil. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by unknown artist, 1895

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Milla uniflora, 1834

Milla uniflora, 1834
Current accepted plant name is Ipheion uniflorum, commonly known as Tristagma uniflorum, spring starflower or springstar. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by James MacNab, 1834

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tritonia rosea, 1893

Tritonia rosea, 1893
Current accepted plant name is Tritonia disticha. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1893. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 119, plate 7280

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tulipa gregii, 1875

Tulipa gregii, 1875
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1875. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 101, plate 6177

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Ornithogalum nutans, 1794

Ornithogalum nutans, 1794
Illustration of Ornithogalum nutans, commonly known as drooping star-of-Bethlehem. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by unknown artist, 1794

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Nerine bowdenii, 1907

Nerine bowdenii, 1907
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1807. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 113, plate 8117

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Puschkinia scilloides, 1821

Puschkinia scilloides, 1821
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by John Curtis, 1821. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 48, plate 2244. Curtiss Botanical Magazine is the longest running botanical periodical

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Lilium henryi, 1891

Lilium henryi, 1891
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1891. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 117, plate 7177

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Brodiaea ixioides, 1823

Brodiaea ixioides, 1823
Current accepted plant name is Leucocoryne ixioides, commonly known as glory of the sun. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by John Curtis, 1823

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Leucojum vernum, 1818

Leucojum vernum, 1818
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper engraved by Weddell Sc, 1818. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 45, plate 1993

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Iris reticulata, 1866

Iris reticulata, 1866
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1866. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 92, plate 5577

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Fritillaria graeca, 1858

Fritillaria graeca, 1858
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1858. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 84, plate 5052

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Gladiolus papilio, 1866

Gladiolus papilio, 1866
Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 92, plate 5565. This is a Cape species and was received at Kew, in 1861, from D. Arnot of Colesberg. It has also been found by W

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Eremurus aurantiacus, 1890

Eremurus aurantiacus, 1890
Current accepted plant name is Eremurus stenophyllus, commonly known as foxtail lily or desert candle. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1890

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Erythronium hendersonii, 1888

Erythronium hendersonii, 1888
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1888. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 114, plate 7017

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Eucomis bicolor, 1885

Eucomis bicolor, 1885
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Matilda Smith, 1885. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 111, plate 6816

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Eremurus spectabilis, 1855

Eremurus spectabilis, 1855
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1855. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 81, plate 4870

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Brodiaea coccinea, 1870

Brodiaea coccinea, 1870
Current accepted plant name is Dichelostemma ida-maia, commonly known as firecracker flower. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1870

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Crocus speciosus, 1841

Crocus speciosus, 1841
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by William Herbert, 1841. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 67, plate 3861

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Crocus chrysanthus, 1875

Crocus chrysanthus, 1875
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1875. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 101, plate 6162

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Colchicum speciosum, 1874

Colchicum speciosum, 1874
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1874. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 100, plate 6078

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Calochortus elegans, 1872

Calochortus elegans, 1872
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1872. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 98, plate 5976

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Lilium giganteum, 1852

Lilium giganteum, 1852
Current accepted plant name is Cardiocrinum giganteum, commonly known as giant lily, giant Himalyan lily. Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1852

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tropaeolum speciosum, 1847

Tropaeolum speciosum, 1847
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1847. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 73, plate 4323

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tropaeolum azureum, 1843

Tropaeolum azureum, 1843
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1843. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 69, plate 3985

Background imageBulbs Rights Managed Collection: Tropaeolum tricolor, 1832

Tropaeolum tricolor, 1832
Hand-coloured lithograph on paper by William Jackson Hooker, 1832. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 59, plate 3169

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