164 Items
Citrus acida, RWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Sterculia lanceaefolia & Sterculia coccineaWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Bombax pentandrum, WilldWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early nineteenth century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Hibiscus longifolius, WilldWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Gossypium herbaceum, Willd. (Dacca cotton)Watercolour on paper, no date (late 18th early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh
Gossypium obtusifolium, R. (Cotton)Watercolour on paper, no date (late 18th early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh, for his Flora indica
Garcinia mangostana, WilldWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh
Nymphaea lotus, WilldWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh
Epidendrum vitellinum, 1838Watercolour on paper. Original drawing for plate XLV in John Lindleys Sertum orchidaceum: a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers; selected by John Lindley, published in 1838
Stanhopea wardii, 1838Watercolour on paper. Original drawing for plate XX in John Lindleys Sertum orchidaceum: a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers; selected by John Lindley, published in 1838
Crytopodium punctatum, 1838Original drawing for plate XII in John Lindleys Sertum orchidaceum: a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers; selected by John Lindley, published in 1838
Erica conspicua [Soland. ]Hand coloured engraving on paper. Engraved by Mackenzie after watercolour by Bauer. No date
Cyclamen africanum Boiss. & Reut. (Algerian Cyclamen)Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 5758, 1st February 1869. Watercolour and pancil on paper
Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme L. (Scimitar-leaved Fig-Marigold)Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 5539, 1st October 1865. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Encephalartos horridus, (Jacq. ) Lehm. (Three-toothed EncephalartOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 5371, 1st April 1863. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Cultivated at Kew as a Cape species
Erica fastigiata, L. (Walkers Heath)Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, plate 2084, 2nd August 1819. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species is a native of the Cape of Good Hope and, according to J
Ophrys tenthredinifera (Saw-fly Ophrys, Bee Orchid), 1930Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1930, 1st September 1813. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species is a native of Barbary and Sicily
Erica monsoniae, L. f. (Lady Ann Monsons Heath)Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1915, 1st July 1817. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Polygala speciosa, Sims (Shewy Milk-wort, Showy Milkwort)Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1780, 1st December 1815. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of the Cape of Good Hope
Helichrysum splendens, Sims (Shining Helichrysum)Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1773, 1st November 1815. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of the Cape of Good Hope
Echium fruticosum, Jacq. (Œ. ) minor ( Lesser shrubby Viper s-BuOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1772, 1st November 1815. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of the Cape of Good Hope
Haemanthus tigrinus, Jacq. ( Tiger-spotted Blood-flower )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1705, 1st February 1815. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of the Cape of Good Hope
Lachenalia quadricolor (Œ. ) lutea ( Spotted-leaved Yellow LacheOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1704, 1st February 1815. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of the Cape of Good Hope
Albuca viridiflora, Jacq. ( Grass-green Albuca )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1656, 1st June 1814. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of the Cape of Good Hope
Moraea collina (Lesser equal-flowered Moraea), 1814Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1612, 1st January 1814. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Lachnaea purpurea, Andrews ( Purple-flowered Lachnaea )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1594, 1st November 1813. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species was introduced to England by George Hibbert, Esq
Podalyria styracifolia Sims ( Storax-leaved Podalyria )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1580, 1st September 1813. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species is a native of the Cape of Good Hope
Tritonia capensis Ker Gawl. (Œ. ) minor Ker Gawl. ( Lesser TrumpOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1531, 1st February 1813. Mr Griffin received some bulbs in the spring of 1812 from the Cape of Good Hope
Haemanthus quadrivalvis Jacq. ( Hairy-leaved Scarlet Haemanthus')Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1523, 1st January 1813. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Tritonia rochensis Ker Gawl. ( Bending-flowered Tritonia )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1503, Vol. 37, 1st November 1813. Watercolour and pencil on paper. The plant figured was imported by Messrs
Spraxis tricolor (Schneev. ) Ker Gawl. ( Three-coloured Spraxis )original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1482, 1st August 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of the Cape of Good Hope
Tiglochin bulbosum ( Boulbous-rooted Arrow Grass )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1445, 1st February 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Introduced from the Cape of Good Hope
Scorzonera undulata, VahlOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6127, 1st October 1874. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Stapelia corderoyi, Hook. fOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6082, 1st February 1874. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Verbascum thapsus, 1737-39Verbascum thapsus, commonly known as mullein or the great mullein by Elizabeth Blackwell. Print from A Curious Herbal, 1737-39, plate 3
Large Flowering Sensitive Plant. Mimosa pigra. Illustration from New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus by Robert J. Thornton, London, 1799, Publ. Dr. Thornton. Tab. 17 T.017
American Bog Plants. Fetid pothos. Sarracenia flava, Dionaea muscipula. I Fetid pothos. II Pitcher plant. III Venuss fly trap
Foeniculum officinale, fennelFoeniculum officinale as Foeniculum vulgare, commonly known as sweet fennel. Illustration from Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz by Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome, Vol. 3, 1888
Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco), 1847Illustration of Nicotiana tabacum, commonly known as tobacco. Illustration by J.J Grandville from Les Fleurs Animees, (The Flowers Personified), publ. Paris, 1847, volume 1, page 60-61
Poppy, papaver somniferumOpium poppy, papaver somniferum. Illustration by J.J Grandville from Les Fleurs Animees, (The Flowers Personified), publ. Paris, 1847. Pavot the poppy sprinkles her seeds, putting the insects to sleep
Tea and CoffeeTea and coffee. Illustration by J.J Grandville from Les Fleurs Animees, (The Flowers Personified), publ. Paris, 1847
Nymphaea biradiata, water lily. Nature print from Physiotypia Plantarum Austriacarum, by Constantin von Ettingshausen and Alois Pokorny. Vienna: K.K Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1854-6
Poa tenella, LWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Arum bulbiferum, RoxbWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1816)
Arum campanulatum, RoxbWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Arum margaritifer, RoxbWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Arum sessiliflorum, RoxbWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1715-1815)
Pothos pinnata, WilldWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Heliconia buccinata, RoxbWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Jonesia asoca, RWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th Century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh
Mangifera sylvatica, RWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh
Vitis latifolia, RWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh
Oxalis sensitiva, WilldWatercolour on paper, no date (late 18th, early 19th century). Hand painted copy of an illustration commissioned by William Roxburgh (1751-1815)
Aerides quinquevulnera, 1838Original drawing for plate XXX in John Lindleys Sertum orchidaceum: a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers; selected by John Lindley, published in 1838
Welwitschia mirabilis, Hook. fHand coloured lithograph. Plate 5369 from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published 1863
Pharnaceum incanum, L. ( Hoary Pharnaceum )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1883, 1st February 1817. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Erica togata ( Large-Cupped Heath )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine published as plate 1626, 1st May 1814. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species is a native of the Cape of Good Hope
Erica primuloides ( Cowslip Heath )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1548, 1st May 1813. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species is a native of the Cape of Good Hope
Galaxia ovata Thunb. (Œ. ) purpurea Ker Gawl. ( Purple-floweredriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1516, 1st December 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Lobelia speculum ( Looking-glass Lobelia )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, Vol. 36, Plate 1499, in 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Current accepted plant name is Monopsis debilis
Lobelia unidentataOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1484, 1st August 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper....drawing taken from one communicated by Mr
Gladiolus trichonemifolius, Ker. Gawl. ( Trichonema-Leaved CornfOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1483, 1st August 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Septas globiflora ( Globe-Flowered Septas )Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1472, 1st June 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Raised from seed by Knight at the Exotic Nursery, Chelsea
Anthericum pugioniforme Jacq. (Round-rooted Anthericum)Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 1454, 1st April 1812. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Introduced from the Cape of Good Hope by Mr. Masson in 1793
Dissotis irvingiana, Hook. fOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 5149, 1st November 1859. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of Western Tropical Africa. W.J
Bryophyllum proliferum, Bowie ex HookOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 5147, 1st November 1859. Watercolour and pencil on paper. From the Cape of Good Hope
Gamolepis euriopoides, DCPublished illustration, plate 6249 from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, 1876. Hand-coloured lithograph. This species was raised at Kew from seed sent by Mr Tuck of the Grahamstown botanic garden in 1868
Eranthemum hypocrateriforme, Br. ex Roem. & SchOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6181, 1st August 1875. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species is a native of tropical western Africa
Dietes huttoniiOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6174, 1st July 1875. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Plant collected fom the eastern province of the Cape of good Hope
Dracaena smithii, Baker ex Hook. fOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6169, 1st. June 1875. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Kniphofia rooperi, MooreOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6116, 1st August 1874. Watercolour and pencil on paper. The species is a native of British Kaffraria in South Africa
Linaria sagittata Hook. fOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6060, 1st October 1873. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Mesembryanthemum introrsum, HaworthOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6057, 1st September 1873. Watercolour and pencil on paper. This species is a native of South Africa
Crassula profusa, Hook. fOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6044, 1st July 1873. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Drawn from seeds received and cultivated at Kew in 1871
Primula verticillata, Forsk. var. simensis HochstOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6042, 1st July 1873. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Native of Ethiopia
Zamioculcas boivinii, DcneOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 6026, 1st April 1873. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Pelargonium oblongatum, E. MeyerOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 5996, 1st October 1872. Watercolour and pencil on paper
Zamioculcas loddigesii SchottWatercolour and pencil on paper. Original illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 5985, 1st August 1872
Megaclinium purpuratum LindlOriginal illustration from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, published as plate 5936 1st November 1871. Watercolour and pencil on paper. The specimen here figured flowered in the garden of T.B
Ophrys speculum, 1870Watercolour and pencil on paper by Walter Hood Fitch, 1870. Artwork from Curtiss Botanical Magazine, volume 96, plate 5844
819. View from Kalutara, CeylonCasuarina and Cocoanut Trees
661. Study of Japanese Chrysanthemums and Dwarfed PineThe Japanese delight in dwarfing normally big trees; and they have brought the art to such a degree of perfection that they can keep them down to the size of the one represented to a very
502. Flowers of the Pomegranate, painted in TeneriffeThe Pomegranate (Punica Granatum, L.) is believed to be a native of North-Western India; but, as in the case of most plants that have been cultivated from remote times
Livistona chinensis, ca 18th centuryWatercolour of Livistona chinensis, commonly known as Chinese fan or fountain palm, by unknown Asian artist, Company Art, Kew Collection, 18th century
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